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INVITATION – Claims Operational Benchmarking Study

Thu, December 21, 2023 1:13 PM | Shelbi Hoffman (Administrator)

The eleventh annual Workers’ Compensation Benchmarking Study’s industrywide survey is currently underway and we think it continues to be a thought provoking and worthwhile exercise for our membership.

This year’s study will—for the second time in its history—survey frontline claims professionals (versus claims executives) to ascertain alignment between industry leadership and those who directly handle workers' compensation claims. The study will also identify any substantial changes since last surveying frontline professionals in 2019, which was notably prior to the pandemic experience. As the industry’s largest talent constituency, with the greatest influence on financial and injured worker outcomes, visibility into their views will highlight advancement opportunities for the entire industry.

The Illinois Self Insurers' Association is forwarding this survey as a valuable opportunity for members to assess and enhance operational alignment within your claims organizations.

  • If you are a Claims Leader (e.g., C-Suite through Supervisor) – please forward the confidential survey link to your frontline claims staff
  • If you are a Frontline Claims Professional (e.g., claims adjuster, claims examiner) – please share your insights by taking this confidential survey  

Please note, all confidential data will be aggregated, and no individual or organization will be identified in any way in study findings.

In return for completing this brief 10-minute survey, all frontline participants – as well as all Illinois Self Insurers' Association members – will receive the Annual Report which can be used to validate operational alignment, verify existing strategies, advocate for resources in support-challenged areas, and identify opportunities to impact claim outcomes.

Again, here is the confidential survey link. We appreciate your involvement in this important industrywide effort, and we encourage you to share this survey link with your frontline colleagues.

Thank you,
Illinois Self Insurers' Association

Illinois Self-Insurers' Association
20 North Clark Street, Suite 900 | Chicago, IL 60602
(312) 804-3534 | info@illinoisselfinsurance.org

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