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Arbitrator Transfers Effective February 1, 2025

Tue, December 17, 2024 12:34 PM | Saylor Boss (Administrator)

Please be advised that effective February 1, 2025, the following Arbitrator Transfers will be made: 

Arbitrator Nina Mariano will take over the Monthly Call of Arbitrator Gerald Napleton, in Zone 5. 
Arbitrator Napleton will take over Arbitrator Mariano’s Call in Cook County. 
Arbitrator Mariano will thereafter be sitting in Zone 5, and Arbitrator Napleton will be sitting in Chicago.

Arbitrator Roma Dalal will take over the Monthly Call of Arbitrator Paul Cellini in Zone 6. 
Arbitrator Cellini will take over the Monthly Call of Arbitrator Dalal in Zone 4. 

Each Arbitrator will conduct the monthly status calls, pre-trials and trials in their current zones, through the end of January. 
Then, after February 1, 2025, they will take over their new Calls. 
Any matters set for trial by the original Arbitrator will be taken to trial by the newly assigned Arbitrator. 

If there are any questions regarding these reassignments, the Chairman has invited to contact his office. 

Illinois Self-Insurers' Association
20 North Clark Street, Suite 900 | Chicago, IL 60602
(312) 804-3534 | info@illinoisselfinsurance.org

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